I “bumped into” this article again today, related to a conversation I was having last summer when I’d cited it about the proportion of small-business owners are who dyslexic.  Close to double the actual percentage of dyslexics in the overall population (35% vs 20%).   In re-reading it, I was extremely startled by the suggestion that so many in the U.S. may be successful in their small businesses or as entrepreneurs because US schools “intervene early!!” Really? Where?! I wondered if it was more true of older entrepreneurs, since goodness knows the word “dyslexia” had been “airbrushed” out of existence by the time my kids were starting school in the 1990’s.  The literacy advocacy community is working hard to make it “real” again, but goodness knows it’s a heavy lift!  As the head of one of the SUNY ed-school recently told a Decoding Dyslexia NY member — “Dyslexia doesn’t exist.”  He had likely been trained in the 1970’s, when, as a poster on a recent article said “In the 1970’s… we were told dyslexia doesn’t exist.”  Even though, of course… it had been discerned by the late 19th century, named by the 1920’s, and was being treated by the 1930’s.


Study shows stronger links between entrepreneurs and dyslexia
By BRENT BOWERS NOV. 5, 2007 http://www.nytimes.com/…/05iht-dyslexia.4.8602036.html…

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